What is Human Trafficking?

March 28, 2024
1 min read

Human Trafficking is a form of slavery. It’s the buying and selling of human beings through force, fraud, deception or coercion or by such other criminal means to exploit them for commercial sex, bonded labour or by harvesting their organs and trading in it. Human trafficking is a fast growing crime across the globe. On Humans Not For Sale by Prerana, we aim to create broader awareness around human trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. We will help answer questions like – What is human trafficking? Is prostitution legal in India? How do the police conduct rescue operations? How do we help the rehabilitation of the victims? And more. Prerana is a non-profit and civil society organisation that protects children born to prostituted women in red light areas and helps the women themselves towards their rehabilitation, social reintegration and to restore their dignity by safeguarding their rights.

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