16 Days Of Activism 2017

16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM – #safetyinmobility For Every Woman!
Every day when a woman leaves the house, she worries. She worries about getting from one place to another safely. She worries about getting harassed when she walks to work;

Every day when a woman leaves the house, she worries. She worries about getting from one place to another safely. She worries about getting harassed when she walks to work; about being touched inappropriately in a local train or a crowded bus; about being leered at by the rickshaw wala through the rear-view mirror; about being taken to a secluded route by a taxi driver. As night approaches, this worry grows and grows.
Many sexual abuse, assault, and harassment cases occur in situations where women are mobile. Every other day we read about how a woman jumped out of a local train to escape a molester; or was sexually abused in a taxi; or beaten up, assaulted, and thrown out of an auto-rickshaw in Thane.
These stories make women feel unsafe – affecting their ability to go out, work, perform, and progress in society. Over a period of time, these stories, or a few such experiences, even encourage women to stop putting up a fight for their rights. They give in and create a set of restrictions for themselves. This is simply not fair!
It is every woman’s right to feel safe when she steps out of the house – whether she is travelling by foot, in a cab, in a local train, an auto-rickshaw, or on a flight.
So, this year as part of the 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM (a global campaign against gender-based violence), we want to talk about #safetyinmobility. How safe are you, as a woman, when you’re travelling, commuting, or even walking on the street? What is being done to protect you?
So, this is a chance for all women to share their stories, experiences and insights. Be a part of the campaign by bringing out the issues that you have faced. Let us together demand #safetyinmobility!