#2 And miles to go before they eat
Azra Qaisar
With the lock down in place for over a month now, many people are struggling to procure essential supplies. While there are many people who are trying to help, the assistance is not reaching far off areas and interiors of localities. In some areas, only people who are closer to the points of distribution get the supplies. By the time the news of distribution reaches the other locals, the supplies are either over or insufficient.
About a week ago, some of the women whose children stay in our center, visited our center amidst the lock down. These mothers solicit in Kamathipura red-light area but do not live there. They had walked the distance of 38 kilometers from Kalwa to reach our center in Kamathipura as they had no access to supplies in their locality. They had heard from their friends and acquaintances that Prerana, and many organizations that work in the red-light area were distributing essential supplies there. Hence, they were hopeful that they might get essential supplies in Kamathipura.
The women were helpless and even though it was unsafe, and difficult to reach the center, it seemed to be their only option to avoid starvation. Their feet had swollen from walking for long. At out Night Care center, our staff provided them food for the time, but they had also run out of assistance packages by then. The women stayed back in the area, with their friends who lived there, and our team ensured that they got supplies in the next round of distribution.
In this case, the women saw no option other than walking so far to survive. This is one of the many desperate situations that people are facing in these difficult times.
(With inputs from Night Care Center FR and KP)
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