Best Practice Documents
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Life Skills Education Module : Discrimination
Prerana believes that life skills education is an important tool to empower children to become independent and self-sufficient. This module focuses on understanding discrimination. It was facilitated by Prerana in one of the Homes that we work with. The session has been discussed in detail in this document.

Module: Consumer Rights
Prerana conducted some sessions on ‘Consumer Rights’ for the children who we closely work with. The sessions aimed at educating the children on their rights as consumers, and the means of redressal if the rights are infringed. The sessions were conducted for children between the age groups of 12-18 years. They can be modified to suit children/individuals of different age groups. At the end of this document, a brief note on the introduction and evolution of consumer rights is also provided.

Safety Guidelines for Resident Girls of Naunihal
This document has evolved some safety tips or guidelines for the children who are stepping outside of Child Care Institutions for any educational and/or vocational purposes. The caregivers can use these guidelines in orienting the child before they start stepping out of the Home.

Rules for checking the personal lockers of Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP)
In compliance with The Model Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children), Rules, 2016, CCIs should have the policy of checking children’s lockers once every three months. This document covers rules mentioned.

Best Practice Guide for Case Workers
The ‘Best Practice Guide for Case Workers’ is Prerana’s humble attempt to evolve a user-friendly and practical protocol on providing victim assistance services in the legal sphere to child victims of sex trafficking based on its ground-level experience of more than two decades.

Discussion on Bombay High Court Judgement on Rehabilitation of Victims of Sex Trafficking
Understanding Client Centered and Trauma Informed Care through the case study of Savita, a child from Prerana’s Naunihal children’s home

Nurturing Growth: Client-Centered and Trauma-Informed Care
Understanding Client Centered and Trauma Informed Care through the case study of Savita, a child from Prerana’s Naunihal children’s home

The ‘Trapped’
Prerana began its work to protect the rights, choices and dignity of the children in the red-light district in 1989. In time, we stepped out and adopted the role to advocate

Behaviour Modification At Prerana
Prerana, working with vulnerable and marginalized children for over three decades, has observed numerous behavioural concerns among children