Day 3: Partners in Crime
Gender-based violence of any form is a structural product of patriarchy, and many times women can aid in incurring violence.
Day 2: When Violence is (Mis)Understood as Love
In our experience of working with victims of sexual violence, we have come across situations of violence where many times perpetrators or victims rationalize violence as an act of love.
Day 1: Living Under the Threat of Violence
There are many people who live in violent situations but are not always in a position to leave the abuser. In Anusha’s case, while Prerana helped them navigated a violent situation, they still had to live with the person due to social obligations.
Covid Stories: Building support systems for a child after restoration: Neema’s Story
Neema (name changed) is a 15-year-old child, who entered the juvenile justice system in 2019, as a child in need of care and protection. After being restored to her family, she was sexually assaulted in 2020. This case highlights how social workers can work with a child to ensure the child’s safety and build support systems, beyond institutionalization.
Covid Stories: When Empowerment is an Illusion – Navigating Patriarchy at Home
As stakeholders working with young women, it is important that we understand the structures in which these young women are existing. One of the most common ways in which structures adapt is by providing an illusion of choice and progression in specific situations. In recent interactions with some of our clients, it has been observed that this illusion is a common thread among their narratives.
Using the term ‘Survivor’: Facilitating Conceptual Clarity in the Anti-Trafficking Domain
Over the past decade we have come across an increased use of the term survivors to refer to victims of trafficking. Various platforms, organisations, institutions, individuals use the term ‘Survivor’ widely differently and there has been little effort to put these usages in a comparative and analytical perspective for better understanding. We have not come across any serious analytical essay on the use of the term which implies a possibility that the use may be more a product of being fashionable than conceptually accurate. This note is an attempt to facilitate conceptual clarity on the use of these terms in the anti-trafficking domain.
बस्ती की आवाज़ – कोविद-१९ के लोखड़ौन में बाल विवाह का संकट
कोविद-१९ विश्वमारी का प्रभाव कमजोर वर्ग पर सबसे ज़्यादा पड़ा है ख़ास तौर से छोटी लड़कियों पर| महाराष्ट्र और देश भर से बाल विवाह पे रिपोर्टस आ रहे है जिससे इस मुद्दे की एहमियत समझा जा सकता है| ऐसी ही एक केस है मालिनी की जिसे लोखड़ौन के बीच में बाल विवाह से बचाया गया| हसीना शैख़, हमारे सन्मान प्रोजेक्ट की सोशल वर्कर ने इस केस में काम करने के अनुभव के बारे में इस लेख में बताया है|
Through the Looking Glass with Priti Patkar : Mainstreaming the Marginalised
In this series, our co-founder Priti Patkar shares her thoughts, learnings, and challenges of working with child protection for over 33 years. In this post, she shares her experiences with mainstreaming the marginalized children and youth of the red-light areas of Mumbai.
Through the Looking Glass with Priti Patkar : Attempts at Inclusion of the Marginalised
In this series, our co-founder Priti Patkar shares her thoughts, learnings, and challenges of working with child protection for over 33 years. In this post, she shares her experiences with inclusion and mainstreaming of the children, and women of the red-light areas of Mumbai.