The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Rules, 2020: A Comparative Look

The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 was enacted by the central government to ensure a child-friendly justice delivery system, for the protection of children from sexual offences. Rules support in operationalising an Act. Rules have been developed to make the parent Act (in this case, the POCSO Act 2012) work effectively. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Rules, 2020 came into notification on 9th March 2020., after being published in the official gazette. The notification also brought in the repeal of POCSO Rules, 2012 except as respect to things done or omitted to be done before such repeal.
Prerana’s Anti-Trafficking Centre compared both sets of Rules and a colour-coded document has been created to highlight the additions/amendments/changes, in an effort to strengthen the organisation’s understanding of the changes being made on POCSO New Rules 2020 as compared to POCSO Old Rules 2012. Click here to read the New Rules
The team additionally made a comparison table of the new rules and old rules. This particular document highlights the new changes based on the stakeholder responsible for the execution of the same. It distinctly captures the roles and responsibilities of the Central Government, State Government, Child Welfare Committee, DLSA, NGOs/CSOs, Special Juvenile Police Unit, Registered Medical Practitioner, Institutions coming in regular contact with children including schools, creches, sports academics or any other facility, amongst many others. In the attempt to potentially ensure a robust child protection system, these documents have been put together so that the relevant stakeholders can easily identify changes and their role in it.
Read the document here.